Pouring Lead could be considered as one of the most interesting Anatolian traditions, which is being done to repel evil eye. The roots of this tradition dates back to Shamanism belief in Central Asia. Pouring lead had been a practice done by Shamans in ancient times, to protect people who were believed to be haunted by “bad souls”.

Pouring lead can not be done by everyone, it is being done only by women and it is being transferred from generation to generation within the family. A typical lead pouring session is being done as followed: Lead is put into a scoop or a small pan and heated on fire until it melts. At the same time, the person to be poured lead (who is affected by bad souls), to repel the evil eye on him or her, is covered with sheets, later on, melted lead is poured into the bowl full of of water, which is kept upon the person’s head, accompanied by prayers done by the lead pourer.
In the end, shapes formed on the lead after pouring it in the water are being interpreted to figure out from where or from whom the “negative enery and evil eye effect” stems from. It is believed that the evil eye is being dismissed from the affected person at the end of this session.
Pour Leading Session Demonsration in Living Museum, Ankara-Beypazarı/ Turkey
(October 2019)
Pouring lead to repel evil eye is not existent in Islam, it does not have any scientifc explanation either. From this perspective, it is a cultural practice rather than a religious one. In folk belief, pouring lead is done to take away the negative energy from the person and to heal diseases. That is the reason why in Anatolia it is very common to say “You should have a pour leading” to people who do not feel themselves very good or people who have recent unfortunate happenings.
Today, this tradition is not very common in Anatolia however, it is still being done by some people occasionally. In “Living Museum” in Ankara/Beypazarı, this tradition is being demonstrated in practice to transfer Anatolian culture and traditions to next generations.
Boratav, P. N. (2016) Turkish Folklore in 100 Questions: Beliefs, Morals, Ceremonies and Plays (3rd ed.) Ankara: Bilgesu
Acıpayamlı, O. (1962) Some Traditions and Beliefs in Anatolia about Evil Eye, Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Languages History and Geography, Vol:20, no: 1-2
Safak, D. (2017) “You Should Have a Pour Leading” From Etnography to Netnography: Pour Leading in Virtual Environment, Journal of National Folklore, no: 116
Where do u dispose of the lead after taking evil eye off